mooorrning all...
hari ini gua lagi jalan" lagi ke gua temuin Thread yang keren abis..
mantapss.. BUMBLE BEE DARI KERTAS..hahahah
..sebelumnya neh thread yang di kaskus nya ..

anyway..bis baca di kaskus..i langsung ke TKP..blognya si empunya bumble bee kertas ini ..hahaha.. neh linknya
nah.disini dia critain lah alasan dia bikin,one of the reason is karena muahaalll aka nggak mamupu beli neh he decide to do it by himself...neh.. foto beserta komennya dia..i'm sorry..kagak sempet buat artiin..cari di kamus aja ye..
Tools photo, totally prepare to make by hands. Compass is old and leaves one leg. Without any hesitation, it has been thrown into trash box. It’s a pity I cannot find my T square. Otherwise, it will look like a little bit more professional.

Do not look down upon snap fastener(button?maybe you have never seen it that was popular in China ten years ago) . All joints will depend on it.

Main material is white paperboard, both-sides. Other supplements are chopsticks, popsicle sticks, the core of ball-point pen, clew, plastic spring, etc.

this is the result ...ta DAaaaaaaaa

kereenn ya..gua ampe gimanaaaa gitu..emang ..kalo emang niat..pasti ada jalann..hebat neh orang ..saluuttt...
tunggu npo slanjutnya yaa.. 

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