hellllo..hello..it's been a long time that i haven't make a noise in my blog... huff,..repot juga ngomong english..hahaha... i'm baaaaaaackkkk... gua balek ngeblog cuy.. miss my blog so much.. oke..buat starting hari" gua yg ngga jelas ini ,,gua mau review tentang satu buku yang memberkati gua banget... gua beneran smangat lagi buat pursue idup tulis menulis gua yang kagak jelas ini.. oke deh ..ntar kita crita -crita lagi deh ya ,,, so ,,cekidot gan..

i think this is a good book ,,it;'s been a long time that i haven't read any book,,,so this is one of the best book i've started for this year and make wanna another book ahead,,,
this book reminds me a lot about my life,,what i want this year..forget the pass ,,now i want to move on in my life and carreer of course..
find your calling,,, !!
the best thing in this book is,,, there's a small test about multiple intelligence .., and it helps me a lot..that i think i have just in the right path ,,but i have to develop it more..
are you still confuse bout your life ? just read this book ,,i cannot guarantee that you gonna change yourlife.,.,but at least somehow n some way,,i hope after you read this,, you'll get inspired and get some new idea for your life,,
Ps.. this book is for ladies,,, hahaha
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that's all folks..see u ... ups..sblom nutup.. gua kasih quote nya dari mbak @bungamega or lu bisa ikutin twitternya @cewequat
the real winner is the one who can touch people'shearts and changing people's lives
( Bunga Mega )
Pinjem donk bukunya. Buat ABG banget ga?
@anjella : ngga deng..yang ngarang justru seumur gua..wkwkwk..udh punya husband ..boleh dibaca kok ,,oke juga tuh..
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